About Us
What is the Charis Alliance?
From their humble beginnings to their global footprint today, the churches of The Charis Alliance share a common quest – to faithfully and creatively represent God’s Son and God’s Word among the diverse cultures of our world. The movement began in a small German village in 1708, when eight men and women committed to creating a church faithful to the teachings of the New Testament. Persecution soon forced them to immigrate to North America.
Over the centuries, the movement morphed, divided and grew, so that today it is represented by churches and outreach efforts in thirty-three countries. While individual churches and groups of churches maintain their autonomy, The Charis Alliance provides a platform for these churches to pursue matters of common benefit and interest.
What We Believe
In 2015, at an historic meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, delegates representing 19 countries met to finalize a fresh expression of the core beliefs of our global movement. The Charis Commitment to Common Identity follows a unique format and is divided into three sections. Section One affirms our unity with the global Body of Christ. Section Two affirms our agreement with the main tenets of historic Christian orthodoxy and the global evangelical movement. Section Three summarizes some unique convictions and practices we’ve developed in our quest to faithfully live out the teachings of the New Testament in our world today.
Charis Commitment to Common Identity: English (Letter), English (A4), Spanish, French
What We Do
In 2008, at an historic meeting near Schwarzenau, Germany (the birthplace of our movement), delegates from 15 countries met to explore ways to foster greater cooperation in ministry. The result was the Charis Commitment to Common Mission, which outlines our mutual commitments to church planting, leadership development and ‘doing good’ in our communities. Whether on the local, regional or international level, the members of The Charis Alliance seek to share their experience and resources, and to partner with one another in ministry.
Charis Commitment to Common Mission: English (Letter), English (A4), Spanish, French
Our Future
Since the first international gathering in 1994, the leaders and churches associated with The Charis Alliance are laboring together to forge a common mission and common identity. These efforts are bearing fruit in the form of regional and international communion, cooperation and mutual care. Progress is both remarkable and encouraging, especially when one considers how Charis is a decentralized movement, with no formal headquarters or paid leadership. Our commitments to biblical truth, biblical relationships and biblical mission provide a foundation upon which to build a bright future.
Learn about us or becoming part of this global movement: info@charisalliance.org

We Believe that Local Churches are Autonomous, yet Incomplete.
By “autonomous,” we mean that authority over the affairs of local churches is delegated by Jesus to local elders and pastors. In other words, no outside authority should attempt to impose its will on a local church.
By “incomplete,” we affirm that no local church has all the spiritual gifts and resources necessary to thrive. In other words, a local church will never be complete outside of its participation in a continuous cycle of giving and receiving with other churches.
How We Seek to Bless our Global Movement
To assist our local churches and national associations in living out the realities of being autonomous, yet incomplete, the Charis Alliance Leadership Team has adopted the following six commitments:
Cast Vision
To pray, cast vision, encourage leaders, and develop resources so that our churches are neither dependent nor independent, but inter-dependent – learning from one another, sharing with one another, and growing stronger as together we make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Network Leaders
To create opportunities for key leaders to ‘gather at the roundtable’ to pray, dream, create action plans, and develop fruitful partnerships.
Facilitate Sharing
To create platforms where leaders and churches can both share and receive spiritual and material resources with one another.
Encourage Doctrinal Integrity
To help our member associations and the churches they represent respect and teach our shared doctrines and convictions, while also encouraging them to develop ‘regional theologies’ that address their specific needs and challenges.
Develop Infrastructure
To create and maintain the minimum legal, financial, and organizational structures required to fulfill the purposes and goals of the Charis Alliance. (This does not refer to the internal affairs of Member Associations.)
Foster Empathy
To challenge leaders throughout our movement to celebrate with those who celebrate, weep with those who weep, and pray faithfully for one another.