Alliance Members
North America & Caribbean
1. Bahamas
2. Canada
3. Haiti
4. Trinidad
5. United States
Latin America
6. Argentina
7. Brazil
8. Chile
9. Guatemala
10. Mexico
11. Uruguay
12. France
13. Germany
14. Great Britain
15. Ireland
16. Poland
17. Portugal
18. Cameroon
19. Central African Republic
20. Chad
21. Nigeria
22. Sudan
23. Cambodia
24. Japan
25. Kyrgyzstan
26. Philippines
27. Turkey
The Charis Alliance entered the central Africa region in 1918, persevering through tremendous physical and spiritual obstacles before enjoying the fruit of their labors. Initially, churches were added one by one until local leaders were trained and assumed responsibility for fostering a church multiplication movement. By the time colonial powers granted independence in the region, Charis Alliance churches were firmly established in the Central African Republic and Chad (1960). Migration to neighboring Cameroon resulted in the formation of dozens of churches, which were formally recognized in 2003. Africans are also carrying the Good News of Jesus Christ into neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo (1987), Republic of Congo (1998), Nigeria (2005), and Sudan (2009).
Currently in Africa there are more than 3000 churches associated with the Charis Alliance, and hundreds of Points of Light. Africans are leading the way in recruiting, training, and deploying church planters. And they contribute a rich legacy to the Charis Alliance of sacrifice, joy during suffering, evangelistic passion, and a commitment to holistic ministry.
The Charis Alliance first entered Asia in 1984 through joint efforts to begin churches in Japan and the Philippines. As churches associated with the Charis Alliance were better informed of the needs and opportunities of this vast and populous continent, new teams deployed to Kyrgyzstan (1997), Cambodia (2000), Turkey (2002), and Vietnam (2011). The unique challenges of presenting Christ to Muslims, Buddhists, and atheists have led workers to develop many creative avenues to bless communities, build relationships, and share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Currently there are about eleven churches associated with the Charis Alliance, and nine Points of Light. Asia is also hope to many creative business and ministry initiatives. Asians contribute a passion for creative outreach, an appreciation for cultural and religious diversity, and a persevering spirit to the Charis Alliance.
The Charis Alliance first entered Europe at the conclusion of World War II, beginning in France (1951), then spreading to Germany (1969). Subsequent pioneer missionary efforts focused on the United Kingdom (1982), Portugal (1990), Ireland (2002), and Poland (2015).
Currently in Europe there are about twelve churches associated with the Charis Alliance, and ten Points of Light. Europeans are leading the way in developing creative ways to introduce the unchanging message of hope in Jesus Christ into the rapidly changing environment of post-modern Europe. Europeans enrich the global Charis Alliance through their insights into culture, their innovative approaches to evangelism and discipleship, and their capacity to build bridges among evangelicals.
Latin America
Latin America
The Charis Alliance entered Latin America in 1909 through the pioneering efforts of church planters sent to central Argentina. A second wave of workers entered northeast Brazil in 1949 and northwest Mexico in 1951. More recently, Latin America churches took the initiative to establish outposts in Guatemala (1983), Uruguay (1986), and Chile (1999). Over the years, Bible Institutes and local leadership training programs equipped pastors and church planters to serve in Latin America and beyond. Church associations Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico host strong summer camp programs and send missionaries to other countries.
Currently in Latin America there are approximately seventy-five churches associated with the Charis Alliance, along with dozens of Points of Light. Latin Americans are leading the way in mobilizing their congregations to meet the practical and spiritual needs of their local communities, and they can always be counted on to bring joy, laughter, and spontaneity to any regional or international encounter!
North America & Caribbean
North America & Caribbean
The Charis Alliance first entered North America in 1718 as religious refugees fled persecution in Europe and sought freedom in the New World. Despite the challenge of adapting to the harsh realities of life as pioneers and settlers, the members of this group multiplied through their growing families as well as their outreach into neighboring communities. In 1900, they launched a mission agency, known today as Encompass World Partners, which has deployed over 700 full-time workers to other continents to plant churches, train leaders, and do good in communities. Other USA-based initiatives have sent workers to Canada (1996), Haiti (2005), Trinidad (2006), and the Bahamas (2011).
Currently in North American and the Caribbean there are about 300 churches associated with the Charis Alliance, and 50 Point of Light. Multiple supporting organizations help contribute to the health of churches both at home and overseas. They include a university and seminary, several church planting and church renovation ministries, a publishing ministry, initiatives to equip men, women, youth, and children, a military chaplains ministry, and Encompass World Partners. North Americans contribute experience, training and organizational expertise, and financial resources to the Charis Alliance.