Jérémie Biancheri

“I’m passionate about making disciples and helping people take next step when they are interested in Jesus.”

  • Location: Lyon, France

  • Summary of Ministry: Pastor of Church Plant; President of France’s Charis Union

  • Bio: Even though Jérémie worked full-time as an IT engineer, he remained faithfully involved at his church. After God used marriage to help develop his character, Jérémie was recruited by his pastor to help plant a new church. God continued preparing Jérémie by sending him to Bible school and blessing him with three kids. He now serves as the pastor of a church plant in Lyon as well as the President of France’s Charis Union.

  • Why I Believe in the Charis Alliance: “We remain strongly attached to the Bible, and embrace radical brotherhood, while staying flexible to new methods of sharing the gospel.”

  • How You Can Contact Me: jeremie.biancheri@gmail.com