80 Youth Attend Missions Conference in Argentina

On October 11-13, Charis Alliance Churches (Iglesia de los Hermanos) in Argentina held a Youth Missions Conference which brought together 80 young people! We are encouraged to see how eager the next generation is to play a role in God’s global mission. Hosted by the Sin Fronteras Foundation, the theme of the conference was “Another Look,” challenging attendees to see evangelism not as a moment but as a movement. Missions is a way of life where Jesus is at the heart of everything.

The weekend was packed with many opportunities to learn, connect, and grow. Through dynamic activities, attendees explored how to share the gospel across cultural and societal divides. Plenary sessions took them deeper, focusing on how local and global missions has the power to transform lives. 

One highlight of the event was the introduction of a missionary training program, which captivated the interest of several participants. Their curiosity and enthusiasm hinted at the potential for a new wave of missionaries eager to serve with passion and purpose.

“We pray that God will work raising up new missionaries, with a different look, and with a great vocation to serve the Lord,” says Eduardo Pizzi.

The seeds planted during this conference have the potential to grow into something extraordinary. As young people embrace a new vision for evangelism, we join together in praying for God to raise up a new generation of missionaries—passionate, committed, and ready to serve Him with boldness.

We rejoice in what God is doing through Charis Alliance Churches in Argentina , and we look forward to seeing how this movement will play a role in bringing the love of Christ to the world.


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